‘When She Was Good’

Dir: Margarita Milne I Prod: Emma Hanson I DOP: Jamie Touche I Production Designer: Kate Beard I NFTS I 2021

When a young girl discovers that Santa is not real, she questions the lies told by adults and the terrible secret she’s been forced to keep.

‘When She Was Good’ is set within a family home in the Cotswolds where we we’re transported to Christmas, in June! . Half the film was shot on a dressed location in Oxfordshire, comprising of 5 rooms and a woods. The other half, taking place in Riley’s bedroom, was shot on a set build at the NFTS. All sets were designed and dressed by Kate herself. Kate was nominated for a ‘Best Production Design’ award for this film at the Watersprite film festival in Cambridge. Please enjoy the below trailer and stills!

Wildsound Feedback Film Festival - Best Cinematography

New Renaissance Film Festival - Finalist

Global Shorts - Award Of Excellance Winner

Watersprite Festival - Best Editing Winner